One of the most significant models of used look denim clothing is Whiskers. and is derived from worn-out lines and impression patterns produced by natural hip wear and front thigh region. Several patterns can be discovered in ancient jeans as a consequence of fabric, user’s body shape or sitting posture. Whiskering is the method of aging denim’s appearance artificially by washing regions that are susceptible to bunching and fading over time. This is performed mainly by hand with rods and other instruments to simulate in minutes years of wear. The name derives from whiskering’s signature look: several rows of thin white lines spread across the portion of the thigh.

Forms of Whiskers.
- 2D Whisker on Jeans
- 3D Whisker on Jeans
2D Whiskers:

Kind of techniques is intended to produce an impression of 2D whisker on jeans. Mostly rubber balloons (e.g. manikin) with various pattern models are accessible. Garments are fitted on balloons to get whisker impressions and filled with air. The garment is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper on etched pattern lines over the pattern. This procedure needs a extremely qualified workforce that can manage whisker lines with uniformity and sequence. During rubbing, the fabric can get harmed if care is not taken. But in sectors where comparable articles are manufactured in big amounts, this technique is more effective. This technique is known for its high quality and cost-efficiency.
Gravure patterns such as tough rubber sheets on thick boards are commonly used for whisker imprinting. The concept of drawing lines on rubber sheets and gravitating them with a blade is very easy. To draw this feeling, the garment is put on a sheet and scraped on a particular region. It is most commonly used in tiny sectors due to low price patterns, particularly where manufacturing is not compatible with style.

3D Whiskers:

The 3D whisker is an esthetic 3D effect (Figure-3) in which resin (formaldehyde-free) is used to achieve the 3D impact and a rigid appearance. This method can be performed by spraying or dipping the clothing into the correct mixture of resin, catalyst, silicone, and polyurethane, depending on the strength of the fabric and the required impact. A design is produced manually or mechanically on the thigh, hip, and behind the knee region after applying resin solution in the correct ratio to obtain 3D impacts such as crease or fold. It is then manually dried with a hot press or hairdryer and is healed at the correct temperature in an oven, as stated in manuals for resin product.